What is Embodied Imagination®

for psychedelic integration?


Meet on Zoom May 23rd, 4:30 PM PST


Learn about our unique psychedelic integration method in our upcoming webinar, "What is Embodied Imagination® for Psychedelic Integration?" In this intimate conversation, we'll explore the transformative approach of Awake in the Dream School of Integrative Consciousness, led by Dr. Katherine Lawson, alongside our insightful graduates.

Join us on Thursday, May 23rd at 4:30pm PST, as we uncover Awake in the Dream School's unique method of preparation and integration, centered around Embodied Imagination. This discussion will include a genuine exploration of how we can reconnect science to spirituality, psychology to earth-consciousness, and self to the collective, all in service to a profound paradigm shift in modern medicine.

Throughout the webinar we'll delve into how this approach is unique from other
integration protocols  and how our graduates are using these tools to incorporate
psychedelic integration into their businesses.

Whether you're a healthcare professional seeking innovative tools for your practice or a wellness practitioner wanting to support clients undergoing psychedelic treatments, our teachings are designed to meet you where you are. Discover how the tools and practices offered in this program can enrich your life and benefit those around you.

Sign up below to save your spot!

We’ll see you on May 23rd 4:30pm Pacific!