Practitioner Directory

Seeking psychedelic preparation and integration support? Our graduates are ready to work with you!

  • Maurielle Laurenne

    Maurielle Laurenne | 2023 Graduate

    Maurielle Laurenne is a Master Astrologer and Psychedelic Integration Specialist with 10+ years in the life coaching industry serving over 947+ clients. She helps professionals make better decisions by being in alignment with the unique energy patterns described by their birthdays. Maurielle is featured on Fox 26 news, a Top 20 Houston Small Business Entrepreneur, written horoscopes for 3 magazines, stars in the movie ‘Mission From Outer Space’ about extraterrestrial consciousness, and is the spokesmodel for America’s #1 best-selling zodiac fragrance Zodica Perfumery. Additionally, she holds a business Degree in Economics + Finance, is Certified in Shamanic Healing, Certified in Intuitive Sciences, and Certified to practice Embodied Imagination for Psychedelic Integration - which uses a somatic therapy technique for dream interpretation and psychedelic integration:

    Contact Maurielle:

  • Daphne

    Daphne, founder of GreenHearted Wellness, has a bachelor's degree in psychology and is pursuing a master's degree in Behavior Analysis. She is also a Somatic yoga instructor with a focus on breath work, personal trainer and is driven by spiritual guidance. Daphne found healing through herbalism and psychedelics, which helped her cope with severe anxiety and depression. Through these practices, she discovered their potential to heal ancestral traumas. Daphne completed training in Embodied Imagination Psychedelic preparation and integration, emphasizing holistic methods for mental and emotional well-being. With a background in psychology and openness to alternative practices, Daphne is equipped to support individuals on their journey to healing.

    Contact Daphne:

  • Michelle LoFurno, Psy.D.

    Dr. Michelle LoFurno is a psychologist and a mystic, with a passion for serving as a bridge between realms for those exploring expanded states of consciousness. She is currently studying shamanism, ancient wisdom teachings, and mysticism, as an eternal student of consciousness. Whether you are working with psychedelic medicines in a ceremonial, therapeutic, or recreational setting, Michelle can guide you through a soulful, embodied process of integration to uncover deeper meaning beneath the images of your psychedelic journeys. Through this process of inner alchemy, you can discover wisdom and healing that transcends limitations of the conscious mind.

    Contact Michelle:


  • Cate Miller

    Cate, a Black, Queer, Spiritualist in STEM, embarked on her psychedelic journey in 2021, though cannabis as an initial plant teacher prior. Since then, had worked as a facilitator at an entheogenic church for over two years, diving into the self-healing and transformation process. She completed the first level Shamanic Program at Open Hearts Sanctuary in 2022-2023. Graciously worked with Awake in the Dream becoming an Integration Specialist with Embodied Imagination® in 2023. And currently exploring Somatic Psychedelic work. With a focus on spiritualism, shamanism, and psychedelics, Cate is committed to holding space for BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and spiritual communities, while embracing all souls on this transformative journey.

    Contact Cate:

  • Marisa Roman

    I have been on the path of healing, searching and discovery for the past 30 yrs. I graduated in 1998 from UC Berkeley, creating my own major in Mysticism, focusing on transpersonal states of consciousness. Along with various forms of healing modalities and spiritual practices, psychedelics has always been a complementary tool that has helped me to expand my awareness and tap into transcendental states. I noticed that integration was a missing piece which is why I am so passionate about helping others to ground their experiences into their every day life. I am deeply honored to be an ally on your path. As a certified practitioner of Embodied Imagination® for Psychedelic Integration, I will use E.I. along with other skills to help you on your journey of ever-expanding wholeness.

    Book a free introductory call by texting Marisa:
    (650) 483-7395

  • Henry

    Service, both to humanity and the Earth, have been lifelong passions for Henry. These interests led him to focus his academic pursuits on the fields of psychology and disaster relief. Throughout his life, he has believed in the healing potential of plant medicine and has witnessed how it can change lives. In his pursuit to combine service, plant medicine, and human consciousness, Henry was certified as a guide in the Awake In the Dream school. As a preparation and integration specialist, he will continue the work of promoting health, wholeness, and healing in the plant medicine space. Henry founded Entheogenic Pathways Integration Center (EPIC) to provide natural medicine preparation and integration services to those in need. EPIC prioritizes using a comprehensive whole mind, whole body and whole community approach to support your healing journey. Contact EPIC for an in person or virtual session.

    Contact Henry:

  • Tess

    Tess has an International Honours Degree in Psychology and is currently pursuing a Masters in Psychotherapy. Inspired by the wisdom held in plant medicine, dreams, and our own inner compass, Tess is passionate about helping you prepare for, and integrate, altered state experiences to find deeper meaning, untangle subconscious patterns, and weave learnings into your daily life.

    Tess holds an uplifting, non-judgemental space. She is dedicated to supporting you on your journey towards greater understanding and alignment.

    Learn more or book a discovery call by visiting

  • Alisha Morton

    Alisha Morton supports people on their journey towards inner awakening and sustainable transformation. For the last 10 years she has orchestrated mindfulness courses and in depth teacher trainings, local community events, regional festivals, international retreats and conferences. She thrives in bringing complex visions to life that foster inner growth and collective wellbeing. As a certified guide by Awake in the Dream, Alisha offers psychedelic preparation and integration support using the Embodied Imagination technique to illuminate the deeper meaning of images received in visionary medicine experiences.

    Book a free 30 minute consultation here:

  • Jamie Moon

    I had been working in the healing arts as an acupuncturist and herbalist for well over a decade when I was first called to sit with plant medicine. Now, many years, many journeys, and many medicines later I am amazed at how it has transformed my life through an incredible unfolding of healing beyond my comprehension. Since then, my passion for natural medicine has organically broadened into assisting others with psychedelic integration as they work to heal themselves through plant medicine.

    Contact Jamie:


  • Liliana Sol

    Liliana Sol is a certified yoga teacher in Hatha Yoga and Sunjeevan Functional Yoga, specializing in the transition from illness to health. She is the mind behind the project, dedicated to personalized yoga and online course “Customized Meditation Tailored for You”. Liliana stands out for her focus on customizing yoga, meditation, ayurvedic techniques and wellbeing techniques for each individual, allowing them to develop greater self-awareness and achieve physical and mental well-being. As a certified guide in Awake in the Dream, Liliana Sol offers personalized preparation and integration in psychedelic medicine experiences, using the Embodied Imagination® for Psychedelic Integration technique to bring clarity to the profound meaning of the images received in these visionary experiences. Available to speak spanish and english.

    Contact Liliana:


  • Jess Hawley Miller

    With over two decades of experience in the healing arts, Jess is a renowned bodyworker, a seasoned student of Ayahuasca from the Shipibo tradition, a medicine ceremony assistant, and certified in Embodied Imagination® for Psychedelic Integration, specializing in MDMA. She also serves as a postpartum doula and is deeply involved in the birthing and parenting community. Alongside these roles, Jess is a natural perfumer, aromatherapist, Avatar Master, and skilled astrologer and tarot card reader. Based in Nevada City, CA, she offers both in-person and remote sessions, infusing spiritual alchemy into her approach with clients.

    Contact Jess:
    (415) 290-4842

Stay tuned for more graduates

& upcoming practitioners

Why work with Awake in the Dream Graduates?

We’re all about wholeness.

At Awake in the Dream, our training is strongly informed by integrative mental healthcare, clinical psychedelic studies, as well as dreamwork and mystical perspectives. We consider the scientific and clinical just as important as the spiritual realms and maintaining a sense of the sacred. Each person’s experience and perspective must be treated with the utmost respect and responsibility.

Additionally, we are the only school teaching a dreamwork-inspired integration method, based on a therapeutic practice called Embodied Imagination®. The method was pioneered by Jungian Analyst Robert Bosnak, and with his blessing, we’ve adapted the method to work specifically with psychedelic experiences.

While Embodied Imagination® almost defies explanation, the overlap between dreams and psychedelics is clear. You might say that they come from the same “source,” so it’s no wonder that a dreamwork modality would be so powerful as an integration tool. Consider Embodied Imagination® for Psychedelic Integration as an embodied and organic extension of the journey. It will help you to get a better understanding of your psychedelic experience in a soulful and truly impactful, sensory way, rather than simply trying to understand the journey from an analytical lens.

Interested in becoming a practitioner yourself? Learn more at our certification page.